Raine Study Committees

Meet Claire: Participant Profile

Claire is part of our Gen2 cohort, a member of the Raine Study Community Advisory Committee and also a participant representative on our Management Committee. We had a quick chat with Claire recently to ask her about her experience with the Raine Study throughout her whole life.

The Raine Study has been part of your life, what does it mean to you? Why do you keep participating?

The Raine study is an opportunity to contribute to society, to help others, that’s why I have always been involved and will continue to be.

What has your experience with the Raine Study been over the years? How has perhaps your perception of what you have been involved in changed from when you were a child, teenager and now adult?

I think my perception of the Raine Study and has changed over time. As a kid I didn’t really understand what it was all about, I just thought it was something every child did, but as I have got older I realise the value of the research being done and understand that my participation really can help others now and in the future.

Why do you see the Raine Study as important?

Without research like the Raine Study our knowledge about health and well-being will never advance, and being one of the longest running studies in world makes it even more valuable, I am proud to be a part of it.

What has been your most memorable Raine Study moment over the years?

I remember as a kid we were given stickers and snacks and once we got to watch a movie, they made it fun for us, and I always enjoyed meeting the other kids.

Why did you choose to be part of the Community Advisory Committee?

I have always been interested in the research and the outcomes that have come from the information we have provided over the years. I chose to be part of the Community Advisory Committee to find out more about what is being done, and welcome the opportunity to have a say on the current and future directions of the Raine Study.


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